Underwood International College's official student-run newsmagazine since 2006
Kendall Brown
22 Aug 2023
The Global Career Society (GCS) is a student-run organization that offers Underwood International College (UIC) students information on career development and resources to aid them in their college lives and professional careers. They coordinate various lectures and events throughout the semester that help UIC students learn the requirements and expectations when applying to internships and jobs, as well as skills applicable to college life and personal development.
New members of GCS attend weekly meetings on various career-related topics to expand their knowledge and instruction to benefit themselves and to later help other students. These information sessions include topics on resume building, cover letters, design thinking, personal branding, interviews, and internships. By the end of these workshops, students are expected to understand the basic concepts of career development.
The most recent workshop was a lecture given by Professor Michael Kim on networking. Professor Kim shared his experience working as one of the founding members of UIC, as well as his success in building the UIC LinkedIn social networking page. Professor Kim spoke of the benefits of networking by discussing the connections that he made in college. He explained that many of his friends from college and the connections he made throughout the years allowed him to communicate with many professionals in specialized industries. When coming across a problem in a project one is working on, it is likely someone else has already faced and solved this problem. Having access to knowledgeable specialists not only allows students to have access to this expertise, but it can also offer them more opportunities to expand into another industry and quickly learn how to achieve success in that industry. Citing the article “Your Life is Driven by Network Effects” by James Currier, Professor Kim emphasized the underlying factors of networking on a person’s life [1]. This article describes a mathematical pattern called Zipf’s Law that guides the decisions of a person’s life, like an invisible hand, based on networking effects.
Despite the personal connectivity that is involved in networking, social platforms, such as LinkedIn, have made connecting with other students and alumni easier than ever. The UIC LinkedIn page has grown largely through Professor Kim’s efforts and keeps students connected even after graduation. It is a tool that many UIC alumni utilize to share their knowledge of industries and find connections into fields and companies of interest. By creating a LinkedIn profile, a student can easily identify with a similar group and affiliation. The use of a LinkedIn profile is an important and easy tool that all students can use. After setting up a profile, the student has access to a large network of alumni in diverse industries and can connect with them with merely a click of a button.
This recent lecture took place on April 13, 2023 in Daewoo Annex Hall. UIC students were invited to attend the session, which was followed by a Q&A session and a small networking event among the participants. They were encouraged to practice small conversations and make connections with peers. Similar events are offered throughout the semester that offer insight into the professional job market and resources available to UIC students.
Workshops sessions are valuable resources to students as they give not only information, but also prompt the student to consider their motivations and steps to a successful career. These sessions help students to think critically about their career goals and college journey. GCS encourages this type of consideration and investment in one’s knowledge and resourcefulness.
After completing the workshops, the recruit is placed on a team that functions within GCS. As part of these teams, they will serve in their assigned position to improve the functionality and organization of club-related activities and aid other students with their knowledge and career planning. The UIC community can take value in these resources to learn more about opportunities and consider their personal growth and the direction of their college life.
To retain an edge in an increasingly selective market, students must prepare to meet the challenges and demands of the job market. Through the attention to detail in one’s application and by complying to professional standards, students can meet the expectations of future employers and increase their competitiveness. By utilizing the resources offered by Yonsei University and student clubs, students can learn more about the basis of a strong application and tailor their profile to meet the demands of their industry of interest.
[1] NfX