Underwood International College's official student-run newsmagazine since 2006

Hoyoun Lee
22 Aug 2023
To provide a healthy breakfast for the burdenless price of ₩1,000 KRW, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs launched the “1,000-won Breakfast” campaign in 2017 with ten participating universities. As of 2023, there are 145 participating universities, with Yonsei University starting the campaign on April 24th at its International Campus in Songdo.
From 8:10 to 9:40 AM, students can order one of the two types of breakfast options—either a regular meal or a pre-made meal—after paying ₩1,000 KRW via the Yammi app. The regular meal is of a buffet style, where students can help themselves to as much food as they like. On the other hand, the pre-prepared meal is a take-out style option featuring instant foods, such as the samgak gimbap and sandwich menus. The “1,000-won Breakfast” is only offered during weekdays and is not provided during the university’s vacation days.
After launching the campaign in Songdo, Yonsei University received mostly positive reactions from the International Campus students, whose dormitory restaurants previously only provided weekday lunches. An average of 650 students are now purchasing the affordable breakfast meals thanks to the campaign, and they are showing high satisfaction with having delicious breakfast dishes available for a price lower than for snack foods. Jonghyeok Seo (HASS, Class of 23) stated that “having two choices for a high-quality breakfast for such a low price has dramatically benefited his college routine.”
Despite the overall positive response, however, there are some concerns about this campaign. Jonghyeok mentioned that the operating hours are not very accommodative for students as their morning schedules can significantly vary based on their class schedules and assignments. In addition, he pointed out that the first-come-first-serve basis of Yonsei’s program is causing students to wait in long lines and is immensely inconvenient.
In addition to the shortcomings on timing flexibility, there are also concerns about the campaign only lasting six months with no plans to extend this program [1]. According to The Yonsei Chunchu, a Yonsei official stated, “The government bears ₩1,000 KRW per student, the student bears ₩1,000 KRW, and the university covers the rest.” The official assured that “even if the government fund runs out, the cost will be covered by the university, and so the students will be able to continue enjoying the [affordable] breakfast.”
With rising inflation and the consequent economic burden on students, the “1000-won Breakfast” program serves as a glimpse of hope for those who cannot afford pricey breakfast menu items. With many anxious students worried that the current campaign will end by November of 2023, introducing long-term plans for this program would help students with their budgeting plans. It is up to Yonsei students and the faculty to be prudent in continuing this expensive yet highly praised campaign.
[1] The Yonsei Chunchu